Battle for orders on onion market
According to René Tiggelman, of Van Langevelde Handelsmij from Kruiningen, the Netherlands, the onion market could stand to become a bit more hectic. “Last week, prices dropped significantly to about 13 cents, and orders are still not coming in. I cannot predict how the market will develop in coming weeks. I hope that prices will stabilise, because a dropping market scares off buyers. When a bottom price has been fixed, exports will recover as well.”
“Most of the export we have, is for Africa, but we are currently sending less than we did last year. We are completely missing sales to Brazil, and we have competition from Chinese onions in the Far East. That leaves limited sales within Europe,” Tiggelman adds. “All in all, it is not going according to our wishes at all. Fortunately, quality is good. We still have some pressure from field onions from farmers who cannot or will not store their onions. Once those have been sold, trade might pick up a bit.”
Source - Fresh Plaza 27th September 2016